ReadLocal targeting for offline businessLocal targeting is a technology that allows you to show your offer to an audience located in a geosegment (radius) in close proximity to the point of sale. #настройка контекстной рекламы#рся#кмс#геотаргетинг#локальный таргетинг
ReadSetting contextual advertising. Remarketing and retargetingOften customers ask themselves what remarketing and retargeting are and how do they differ from each other? #ремаркетинг#ретаргетинг#продвижение в google#настройка контекстной рекламы#контекстная реклама#рся#кмс#продвижение в яндекс#контекстное продвижение
ReadOnline advertising for local businessesHyper-location will help to accurately target your target audience in contextual advertising of RSYA and GMC. #рся#продвижение в сети#гиперлокация#кмс