Request - to develop a mobile application on React Native for a betting company with the ability to quickly replenish your account, display a huge number of events and a convenient screen for betting. All event coefficients should be updated in real time, while there should be optimization for the device battery. Mobile application for betting companies and casinos. More than 10 thousand sports events, more than 7 million outcomes and exclusive bets are available in the application. With the help of the mobile application, the user can top up his account in a few clicks and start betting or play slots in the casino section. Great functionality inside the application: 1. Modern intuitive interface of the sports line 2. Quick deposits and withdrawals 3. The ability to follow the history of sports events in the new section 4. The ability to place bets directly on the match broadcast screen
Request: We need to develop a mobile application that will enable customers to connect to different devices and control them using a mobile application. The application should look minimalistic and at the same time have a clear UX. A mobile application where you can quickly and conveniently connect and control your devices using SmartThings. SmartThings is compatible with hundreds of brands of home smart devices. This way you can control all your home smart devices in one place, including Samsung Smart TV and home appliances. SmartThings allows you to connect, track and control a variety of home smart devices faster and more conveniently. Connect Samsung Smart TVs, smart appliances and speakers, as well as devices from brands such as Ring, Nest and Philips Hue using the same application.
The task is to develop a design and a mobile application for a startup with an attractive design, well-optimized functionality, with the possibility of support on various devices (Smartphones, Tablets). Saga is a unique application that helps adults and children relax and fall asleep. Our sleep stories are written using a special technique, voiced by the voices of famous Russian actors and collected for you in a convenient application. In the app you will also find free stories, visual meditations and nature sounds.
The task is to develop a mobile application using the React Native framework to quickly enter the market. The application should work stably on Android and iOS despite the huge number of products, bonuses, promotions. Payment must be implemented using Adyen and support Apple Pay/Google Play. Albert Domów Zdarma is a mobile application for an online food delivery store. Fresh and high-quality products from a wide range are available in the application. Application Features: - Convenient and clear registration; - Purchase of goods in a couple of clicks; - A large number of bonuses and discounts for customers; - Apple/Google Pay support.
The site for the company for the production and sale of semen bulls. Task: to make not only a convenient, but also a useful site - for those who are interested in agriculture. Handwork, custom admin panel, themed design and intuitive interface. For competitive advantage: seo-optimized address, seo-optimized kernel with a block in the admin panel. Since the company is located in Tatarstan, the site is designed in three languages: Russian, Tatar and English. Therefore, it is understandable and accessible in every sense of the word.
The mobile application in which each meditation will help you in a specific situation. You need to tune in to a serious conversation or stop thoughts before going to bed - just turn on the appropriate meditation and follow the instructions
The online store solved the problem of increasing demand for an expanded assortment. He asked us to improve the recommendation system for his users so that customers would be more inclined to buy new products for themselves, and not only from the niches of previous purchases. We collected data on customers and their purchases for 2 years, formed a metric that counts the increase in unique purchases in the user's basket over the test period and began to build a recommendation system. The most effective approach turned out to be an ensemble of a user-based approach to recommendations coupled with KNN on the product names in the receipt for each client. The forecast announced a 49% hit of recommendations in the client's future products, but this is only in theory, because recommendations affect the purchase itself. An A/B test was conducted, which showed a statistically significant result of the growth of total sales, among which the increase in purchases falling on new products for users was 30.5%
This is the portal for an online TV channel. It is completely written from scratch. It is based on our own content management system. A unique and minimalistic design was developed for the site, which allows users to view content without being distracted by extraneous interface elements.
90% of management companies websites in Russia are in the 2005 years style. BRIOR + K is one of the few management companies that understand how important it is to keep up with the times. That is why they ordered site from us. Now BRIOR + K has a modern website with a unique design, user-friendly interface, and sections with useful information: news of housing and public utilities, legal information and links to valuable services for paying utility bills.
Objectives: to improve their forecasts of purchases by product categories in order to reduce the costs of illiquid, but at the same time fall into seasonal waves of increased demand. This task required immersion in the business processes of procurement, inventory balances, assortment and retail sales. Having plunged into business with our heads, we learned how to track the moments of the category deficit and its overabundance, adding this data to the time series with information about sales in all categories, we compiled our own algorithm for modeling the optimal volume of purchases. As a result, sales increased, and warehouses began to overflow less often.
Task: the local TV channel wanted to reduce the burden on consultants and coordinators, to whom most of the clients turned. They noticed that most of the questions are typical and the coordinators answer them with the same messages. They wanted to make themselves an online assistant and turned to us. We have collected all the detailed answers, made a Word to Vector model out of them and trained the annoying model from Spotify to select the most appropriate answer for the question. It was important to implement the functionality so that the client could call a person at any time or make a purchase directly from the chat, so we added a classifier that distinguished the client's requirements related to the purchase of an advertising placement from questions and from the requirements to call a person. As a result, the average response rate to the question became close to the usual offline request for help in the store, and consultants began to deal more with new, complex and atypical questions, and the company now saves all questions and answers for machine learning.
Этот чат-бот нацелен на борьбу с легким стрессом и тревогой. В его основе лежат лучшие тесты и техники из когнитивно-поведенческой терапии. Он состоит из чат-бот и серверного приложения, который обезличено хранит всю историю прохождения сеансов. У пользователя есть возможность установить напоминания, чтобы выработать новую полезную привычку.
The customer needed a unique site for Kazan with elements of the interior and decor of the institution. An important factor was the high convenience of the site, the ability to get from anywhere on the site in the necessary section in a maximum of two clicks. The design of the interface used processed photo institutions and decor elements of the establishment.
Task: to increase the speed of finding fraudulent ads. Employees of the anti-fraud department noticed that they often set up filters in a specific way for each district of the city, taking into account the height, novelty of the building, proximity to the subway, etc. all to find atypical ads. This procedure takes a lot of time and requires highly qualified employees, but the popularity of the service has increased in recent years and the department needed search automation. We analyzed the data to detect anomalies and built a model that combines a tree ensemble and regression, which itself finds potential outliers and questionable price values for the proposed conditions. It turned out that the model is good to observe changes in real estate prices. Over time, we finalized it and it began to participate in pricing. Two birds with one stone!
Task: to reduce the cost of sending SMS with discounts, since most of the customers attracted in this way ignored them. Uplift modeling was carried out on CatBoost classifiers, which indicated potential 10-30% of customers whose mailing lists potentially increased the company's profit. When it came to evaluating the result of selective mailing, it turned out that the conversion to the purchase of discount goods has improved twice! And the cost of mailing has almost tripled.
This is a chatbot referral system that focuses on the sale of activation keys for the ShineUp mobile application. The main goal is to provide sellers with an interface for wholesale purchase of license keys that can be sold at an additional markup. The chatbot integrated with the backend application and the payment service robokassa for accepting payments.
This is a mobile application for psychological self-help. It combines a minimalistic design combined with convenient functionality and the ability to quickly update without downloading to stores
It is an application for LG TVs running webOS OS. As part of this development, a server ecosystem was created that best allows to store a large amount of video content with minimal costs. The application works on the principle of hosted application, which allows you to quickly update the application
This is a mobile application for an online TV channel. It is a cross-platform mobile application for iOS and Android. As part of this development, a server ecosystem was created that best allows to store a large amount of video content with minimal costs
This is an app for AppleTV consoles. As part of this development, a server ecosystem was created that best allows you to store a large amount of video content with minimal costs
This is an application for the Amazon FireTV set-top box. As part of this development, a server ecosystem was created that best allows you to store a large amount of video content with minimal costs
This is an information landing page for a psychological self-help service. The main goal is to convey the essence of the application to a potential user. This goal was achieved with the help of a simple interface made in the style of the service, coupled with thoughtful texts
We were given the task to develop a convenient, intuitive web portal with a fresh, minimalistic design, a catalog and the ability to edit part of the site content. In this project we are: -developed the interface design based on the customer's wishes; -implemented a content management system (CMS) written by us; -developed a fast website that includes a catalog of goods and services, information about affiliated regional offices, pages with useful information; -we took the site for maintenance.