Creating a website using HTML is a useful undertaking that develops your understanding of web development and design. You can set up a basic site in just a few hours and use it as you learn HTML and CSS.
1. Select a text editor
To write HTML tags, you will need a high-quality text editor focused on the language of the Internet. Notepad ++ is a good option for Microsoft users, and TextMate is for Mac users. Cross-platform text editors include Atom and Sublime Text.
2. Creating an HTML template
Websites can be built strictly using HTML, which translates into text files with a name with the extension .html. The home page of your site is usually called index.html. Create this file and save it, then fill it with the basic structure of your HTML site. It will look something like this:
The simplest thing is how the index page of your site should look when you create it in a text editor.
The <html> tags cover the entire content of your site and indicate that it is an HTML document. This <head> tag includes the title of your page, meta tags (tells the browser details about the content and display of your page, very useful for SEO website promotion in search engines), as well as links to external CSS-files to style your page. The actual content of your page goes between the <body> tags.
3. Structure your files and folders
When creating your site, you will want to organize your files into folders according to the structure in which you want your site to be displayed. For example, you can create a folder for your About us page, which has the main file about.html, as well as any CSS associated with it that adds style to your site, and other HTML files that support this content. By adding links throughout the site to the pages of your site, you will refer to the location of their folders in the directory where your files are stored.
Read more:
The difference between a web designer and a developer
The specifics of website development for government agencies
4. Content structure and writing
Write your content in the <body> section of each .html file (i.e., on each page) of your site. Here are some important tags you need to know when creating a site:
<header> points to the top of the document and to where the title and logo of your page appear.
<nav> is used to create the menu of your site, the main navigation of your site, where visitors find links to a top-level site.
<section> indicates the main content of your page. It is used to group content on a page. Think of articles that are grouped under separate headings.
<article> is used for individual pieces of content on a page, such as a blog post, image, video, or other multimedia content. This is a way to structure the page so that these elements can be easily distinguished.
<footer> is the bottom of the site. In this area, people often post their contact details, terms of service, privacy policy and other important information.
Filled with these tags, the basic structure of your page will look like this:
Complete with HTML tags, the basic page structure of your site should look something like this in your text editor.
You will also want to add a basic navigation bar for your site. This provides easy access to the main pages of your site. You will use the <nav> tag and <ul> unordered list tag to set this.
And voila! Now visitors to your site can easily go to your blog, product pages, place a line on the contact page, view customer reviews and return to the home page again!
5. Stylize your site using HTML or CSS.
You can make your site more interesting with formatting, colors and images using HTML only. However, including CSS or cascading tables in your site gives you much more control over its appearance, and sites that use CSS look more professional in general.
Add advanced settings and layout rules to your site using CSS files.
CSS is indicated in separate CSS files. The main file is usually called style.css. Some basic CSS features include adding colors, borders, and backgrounds, as well as using a block model to organize content on your pages. This step is more advanced than using basic HTML, but can significantly improve the aesthetics of your site.
6. Publish!
Are you satisfied with the overall layout? Publish your site. This is great if your site is very simple to get started. As long as it looks professional, you can feel good by posting it online and improve it by developing your HTML and CSS skills.
All is ready! Now for the hard part ... Adding content
Now it’s easier for a beginner than ever to create a functional and visually appealing website that people will want to visit. The most important thing to keep in mind regarding your site is its content, since that is what attracts people. Think about what your site is about, whether it’s your business or a blog on a specific topic. Think carefully, because it will also determine the direction of your web design. Only when you have ideas for content and a specific plan are you ready to start the adventure of creating your site.
Futureinapps is a professional website development company from scratch. We do not work on templates, as we think that you can easily cope with this!
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