You are about to customize or have successfully completed a marketing campaign with contextual advertising; your landing page receives many new visitors. But is it optimized for conversions?
Initially, the AdWords Express (AWE) platform, launched in 2011, intended to provide small business pay-per-click advertising (PPC) access.
Google AdWords told advertisers the news that Google AdWords Express has now joined the Google Ads platform. AdWords Express advertising campaigns are now available in Google ads as Smart campaigns.
Useful and interesting content on the site is only half the success. More importantly - to structure it correctly, so that the user is easy and playfully oriented on your site.
Google Ads now gives advertisers the opportunity to pay for conversions when using display campaigns. Paying for conversions, not for clicks, means that advertisers pay only when someone performs a targeted action after clicking on an ad
This year will be a turning point for internet marketers. Leading global experts in the field of contextual advertising talked about the main trends-2019
In the world of digital marketing, there is a legend about a college graduate who decided to start working in a large IT company. This enterprising young man gave his resume, but was not noticed. Then he decided to set up an advertising campaign in..
Inbound and outbound marketing are relatively new terms that use the well-known old marketing tools.
News contextual advertising. What's new in Yandex. Direct and Google Adwords? New opportunities to promote your business online. Follow our updates!
Often customers ask themselves what remarketing and retargeting are and how do they differ from each other?
Real case for contextual advertising. Tire in the center of the metropolis and "unbroken" site. How to set up advertising and get traffic in the form of clients for tire services?
Advertising annoys our target audience. This applies to television advertising, and advertising on the radio or YouTube channel. However, there is a certain type of advertising, to which the audience has loyalty - advertising on search or contextual
SEO website optimization is a long and laborious process that requires time and the right approach. It will be wrong to order a seo promotion, suspend it, and then continue again. What stages of seo promotion do you have to go through?
A few days ago, Google informed users that it would change the brand protection policy in contextual advertising Google Ads. In practice, this means that any advertiser can use someone else's brand in their search advertising.
The service of setting and maintaining contextual advertising appears, as a rule, in a complex. However, customers often believe that simply setting is sufficient for them, and further advertising will work without the intervention of the director an