
SMM. What is your social proof?


Looking for ways to increase your credibility with social networks? Want to know how to benefit from the positive references to the company?

In this article, you will learn how to incorporate social proof into your social media marketing.

"What is your evidence?" (k / f "Red heat")

Why include social proof in your social media marketing?

The term "social evidence" was coined by an outstanding psychologist and writer Robert Cialdini. He described it as a psychological and social phenomenon that encourages people (read: customers) to imitate the actions of others in a given situation because of their inherent need to comply.

In other words, when people are not sure how to respond to a situation, they automatically look at others, believing that these people — experts, celebrities, friends, or even other consumers — know more than they do.

Social proof affects us more than it seems. The feedback from an expert you admire or trust on the product's landing page is social proof. Similarly, using the logo of an industrial giant on an instrument or service that you may be exploring is also social proof.

Your propensity to give preference to a product or service that your friends have recommended or tested for themselves can also be explained by the influence of social evidence.

Social proof can provide customers with powerful emotional stimuli that significantly affect their reactions and reactions to your brand or even specific products. This not only can help them make a positive decision about your business, but also instill confidence in their choice and give them the feeling that they are part of something bigger.

When viewed through the prism of a business owner or marketing specialist, social proof can confirm important product statements, as well as justify your prices. Even without realizing it, your business or brand is already generating a huge amount of social evidence. Every customer, subscriber, or expert who is associated with your brand can affect the public mood in your favor.

How you use social proof to increase your visibility depends on the type of social proof. Here are three ways you can increase the credibility of your brand.

# 1: Reviews

Affirmations of your existing and past users in the form of ratings, reviews and reviews can positively influence the mindsets of potential customers before they turn to your brand. Positive feedback from friends and famous people increases the chances for customers to try a new product or service.

Encourage users to share company hashtags or post messages on users' social networks on your brand sites. Many brands shy away from customer feedback for fear of inadvertently giving out negative reviews. It is important to remember here that even a few negative reviews, combined with positive reviews, can add authenticity.

Customer reviews work particularly well for technical products or in competitive industries.

There are several things you can do to increase the amount of feedback your product or brand receives. You can personally contact customers for a review, contact regular customers, include tips in polls, offer gifts for reviews, or somehow highlight customers who have left reviews.

Remember that customers will not necessarily wait for your invitation to check your product or service. Regularly check forums and browse sites, and follow conversations about your brand so that you can get up-to-date information (and social confirmation) for your site.

Never underestimate the power of reviews. Both in video and in writing, reviews significantly increase the conversion rate of landing pages. When choosing reviews that will appear on the landing page of your website, be sure to include content that is opposed to the actual objections that potential customers may have. Do not focus on those who praise or glorify your product.

Good reviews that help potential customers visualize their improved life after purchase are best placed next to a call to action; feedback groups work best on sales pages in long forms.

# 2: Collaboration with large and successful companies.

Getting approval from a reputable entity such as Google, Instagram or Facebook can lead new customers to expect a positive impression from your brand.

Links to very popular and proven authorities are easily recognizable and can quickly and effectively increase the credibility of your brand. Feel free to mention your customers, collaboration and rewards in your social media posts. When applicable, add an image that demonstrates the corresponding logos or graphic images.

Media references are another great way to increase credibility. Mention respectable and popular media can greatly increase the credibility of your brand from potential customers.

This indirectly “proves” to the search engines and your audience that your brand has already earned high-quality links and publication approval.

# 3: Opinion from industry experts

It is very easy for us to trust the opinions of other people who have the same tastes and interests as we do. Products and services recommended by industry experts are automatically supported by people who trust these experts. For example, if we want to buy some kind of seasoning, we’ll see a favorite chef, who will tell you what dishes this seasoning is best for.


Regardless of where your customers prefer to publish their feedback and comments as a business owner or marketing specialist, your job is to encourage them to continue to create and share these reviews.

More recent content and authority is music for the ears of search engines. Thus, each review gives your brand the opportunity to improve your SEO ranking. As more users browse your product, the search for “your product + review” will become more popular, which will help new customers to know your brand.

User feedback can also help with searches with a long tail, because the language used in the reviews is often similar to the language used when searching for a product. Again, this increases your chances for a target audience.

Reviews and mentions in social networks can also play a role in enhancing the credibility of your brand's website. For example, when your company launches a new product or service, place reviews on your page and invite users to discuss this issue on social networks. This ensures that your brand automatically collects many references. The more mentions, the wider your reach, with several links leading to your site.

If influential people and media refer to your product on their social networks, you can also gain trust. Thus, social cues can help increase the credibility of your brand, causing search engines to sit down to notice its popularity.

Social proof can increase conversions and time on the site. Increasing the time spent on the site is one of the main criteria used in the latest RankBrain algorithms. The more social proofs you add to your website and landing pages, the higher the likelihood of conversions, as well as the increased waiting time.

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