In marketing, developing ideas and creating content cannot be successfully accomplished without deliberately using user experience and SEO.
From searching for materials for popular content, to optimizing the finished article, you need to go through a thorny path. Here is how our experts do it.
We use data on requests
How are your competitors represented on the net, what answers to which queries they publish on their site? What queries are popular?
To answer these questions, we use various services that provide us with data.
As part of this data, you can also find out:
• Where your competitors are ranked by this request.
• How many people search for this query every month.
• How do you rank for this query?
With this information, we prioritize any content based on a keyword estimate (calculated using the keyword analysis tool). Estimation is based on monthly search volume and competition for a query.
We brainstorm articles based on queries with the most keywords.
We are looking for a target reader
Most authors go headlong into the process of writing, not knowing exactly for whom the text is intended.
We start with the question: “Who is our target reader?”. In other words, for what person are we writing this article? For example, what constitutes an “excellent” article for a marketing director is probably not the same as for a marketing coordinator. Although each of them can search using the same keywords, their different posts indicate that they are probably not looking for the same content.
Then we outline the most important points that need to be covered in the article, based on the target audience. For this we:
• We use our experience
• Explore the topic in external sources, including customer experience.
TIP: Try to have more than 2,000 words in each article if you want it to match a highly competitive query. (The average result on the first page is 1890 words, according to a Backlinko study.)
Optimize for UX and SEO
After the draft is completed, the next step is to edit the article. Our team breaks up editing into two main components: (1) readability and (2) optimization of semantic search.
Focus on content readability
Ignoring the readability of content is the most common omission that we see. Why does it matter? Look at the two paragraphs below. What would you rather read?
Most likely, you would choose the paragraph on the right. Both paragraphs have the same text - readability in this case was based only on visual perception.
How to improve readability? Think visually, grammatically and thoughtfully. Here are some of our favorite tricks:
• Ensure that paragraphs are no more than two or three sentences.
• Add a line break between paragraphs.
• Reduce the length of your sentences.
• Simplify your language — you don’t write to surprise your readers with your vocabulary.
• Include screenshots, videos and images to break the text.
• Make sure the text is grammatically correct.
SEO text optimization
We have written a lot about SEO optimization. Recall only that it is very important to use keywords without compromising readability and usefulness of the text.
Futureinapps company is engaged in SEO optimization of websites for business and writing SEO-optimized content for any niche.