
Even if Google says: "NO." 7 best SEO practices. Kazan SEOs recommend!


It is important to remember that maintaining a good online presence is beyond the scope of a search ranking.

In many ways, organic search rankings are the lifeblood of the online business world.

When a new update is released, search enthusiasts quickly make assumptions about how to customize their SEO strategies to cater to all-powerful Google robots.

From time to time, experts behind the scenes at Google hint at what is included in the next update - “prioritize, ignore it.”

However, regardless of what Google’s management thinks or does, there are several SEO tasks that you should still pay attention to.

1. Image and text optimization

Image alt text has long been a valuable component in SEO. In the past few years, there has been more and more talk that Google is using machine learning to understand what is in the image and what it is intended for — what was the main function of the alternative text of the image.

Does this mean that the inclusion of alternative text is a waste of time?

Definitely not.

No matter what the latest AI-based image recognition routines decide to use Google, you won't lose anything if you add good text images and alternative images to your website. Keep in mind machine learning is a relatively new concept. Although in the next five to ten years (perhaps even earlier), the alternative will become an outdated method of SEO.

2. Authoritative Content

Authoritative content has been an ambiguous component of SEO from the start. Obviously, Google wants to provide users with the most reliable and authoritative content based on their search queries.

You should always work on creating authoritative content, always!

The user must trust the resource, refer to it, save the data.

These generic authoring content creation strategies have been right from the start of the Internet.

3. Creating longer content

John Müller has publicly stated that the number of words is not in itself a ranking factor.

“On some pages there are a lot of words that say nothing, the number of words does not speak about quality.

Given this, Google will not necessarily rate your content based on the number of words. The content of the short form has the same ranking potential as the long form.

But does this mean that you should strive to create only short content?


The most important thing when creating content is that it provides the best information based on certain requests and, more importantly, the user's intentions. Maybe you can do it in 500 words; maybe it will take 5000.

According to a recent study of content conducted by Backlinko, “content with long forms receives on average 77.2% more links than short articles. Thus, content in an extended format seems ideal for getting backward links. ” It also leads to improved organic search results.

Keep in mind that portions of content with more words have more potential to target more relevant queries and achieve your search goal. So you better create longer content. Just do not pour water and make sure that you answer the pressing questions of users.

4. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

A few years ago, John Muller officially stated that AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) is not a ranking factor.


Nowadays (regardless of how this affects the rating), AMP has become an absolute necessity, given the growing number of mobile searches.

One of the main Google updates in 2018 was the deployment of the index for mobile devices. Since then, it is rumored that AMP affects the rating in one form or another.

Yes it is!

Over the past year, AMP has taken about 31 million domains. SEO is moving away from desktop computers on a small screen. The longer you avoid implementing AMP, the worse for SEO.

5. Focus on LSI keywords, but not on ranking


We already wrote what LSI keywords are.

Latent semantic indexing keywords do not affect your ranking in search results. However, if you take the time to carefully select LSI keywords, you will be able to find the necessary information regarding the keywords and phrases that you originally targeted. In turn, this will help you get ranked on these relevant search terms and avoid penalties for inserting keywords.

If you don’t use LSI keywords, Google will find it harder to determine SEO correlations and matches between content on your site. Thus, instead of trying to use the same keywords and phrases multiple times in your content, include the LSI keywords. This is crucial to help Google’s robots understand your messages and how they relate to the user's intentions.

It is important to include them in a natural way. Used correctly, LSI keywords will help site visitors find answers to their questions, and also help Google better understand your content.

6. Keywords in a domain name are a signal for ranking.

Exact match domains days working in SEO are long gone.

Nowadays, the domain URL plays a minor role in Google rankings. According to Google:

"You need an answer, not billions of web pages, so Google's ranking systems sort hundreds of billions of web pages into our search index to get useful and relevant results in a split second."

However, using keywords in your domain is not always a terrible thing. Exact match domains can potentially affect the ranking of your webpage. Indeed, in some cases, the inclusion of keywords in your domain name can give an idea of ​​what constitutes your site, and also help users find answers to their questions.

Keep in mind that if you decide to try this, you must be VERY careful. Google dealt with the practice of exact-matched domains when people started abusing it.


Google said that HTTPS is a lightweight ranking factor. John Muller even confirmed it back in January.


Even if technically you don’t need HTTPS to index Google, this does NOT mean you don’t need to get an SSL certificate!

When you visit a site, Google very clearly indicates whether it is secure. A flashing red symbol and a “Not secure” label can force people to leave your site immediately, especially if you take any personal information, such as names, addresses, credit card details, etc.

Make sure your site is secure - no matter how it affects your Google ranking.


Obviously, you want to take a worthy place in Google search. But it is important to remember that maintaining a good online presence is beyond the scope of a search ranking.

No matter what Google says or thinks, there are many SEO tasks you should not lose sight of.

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