
Chatbot development

Automate routine business processes using Telegram chatbots

We create and integrate chatbots that are engaged 24/7 in mailing, sales, training, entertainment and surveys

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Work examples

Chatbot for automating the process of selling license keysChatbot for automating the process of selling license keysChatbot development

This is a chatbot referral system that focuses on the sale of activation keys for the ShineUp mobile application. The main goal is to provide sellers with an interface for wholesale purchase of license keys that can be sold at an additional markup. The chatbot integrated with the backend application and the payment service robokassa for accepting payments.

Chatbot MindBot - personal psychologistChatbot MindBot - personal psychologistChatbot development

Этот чат-бот нацелен на борьбу с легким стрессом и тревогой. В его основе лежат лучшие тесты и техники из когнитивно-поведенческой терапии. Он состоит из чат-бот и серверного приложения, который обезличено хранит всю историю прохождения сеансов. У пользователя есть возможность установить напоминания, чтобы выработать новую полезную привычку.

Smart assistant for the advertising sales departmentSmart assistant for the advertising sales departmentDevelopment of solutions using machine learning and data analysis

Task: the local TV channel wanted to reduce the burden on consultants and coordinators, to whom most of the clients turned. They noticed that most of the questions are typical and the coordinators answer them with the same messages. They wanted to make themselves an online assistant and turned to us. We have collected all the detailed answers, made a Word to Vector model out of them and trained the annoying model from Spotify to select the most appropriate answer for the question. It was important to implement the functionality so that the client could call a person at any time or make a purchase directly from the chat, so we added a classifier that distinguished the client's requirements related to the purchase of an advertising placement from questions and from the requirements to call a person. As a result, the average response rate to the question became close to the usual offline request for help in the store, and consultants began to deal more with new, complex and atypical questions, and the company now saves all questions and answers for machine learning.


Why do the customer choose us?

We delve deeply into business processesWe delve deeply into business processes

In order for the development to be effective, we thoroughly study the business process and identify those places that can be automated

We comply with deadlines and budgetsWe comply with deadlines and budgets

We understand that time and money are important to you. We adhere to strict deadlines and keep within your budget, despite any challenges we face

Experience and expertiseExperience and expertise

For more than 10 years we have been creating mobile applications for various industries and platforms. We are constantly improving our skills and following the latest trends in the world of application development.

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What do we do?


We will make a visual diagram of the work of the future bot in the form of a flowchart with all the options for forks and possible user actions

Development and testingDevelopment and testing

We write code, test and coordinate the result


Introducing a bot into your company's business processes

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