ReadQuantum Breakthrough. Why are IT companies scared of quantum computers?The latest news that the whole world of IT technologies can turn: Google created the most powerful quantum computer - with the Sycamor quantum system, which solved the problem in 200 seconds, while a conventional computer would take 10 thousand years #iot
ReadBe afraid of smart speakers! Or what to do with security in the world of smart Internet of things?The global explosion of IoT (Internet of Things) is already in full swing, along with an equally powerful increase in malicious hacker attacks. Ensuring information security on the Internet is becoming a priority for IoT developers. #интернет вещей#iot
ReadIOT Internet of Things: Soil Moisture Sensor Helps Farmers Save Water on IrrigationIn an effort to help agriculture regulate water consumption, a team of researchers from the University of Connecticut has developed a soil moisture sensor that is reported to be more economical than modern technology and easy to install. #интернет вещей#iot
ReadIoT, is it so important?Let's see what is the “thing” in IoT. It can be a person with an implant in the heart, an animal with a chip, a car with many sensors, or any other object that can be assigned an IP address, and which can transmit data over a network #интернет вещей#iot