
Internal SEO optimization step by step


Internal SEO optimization is quite possible to do independently, without resorting to the services of SEO agencies. However, this requires some initial preparation and understanding of the basics of the CEO.

Here we will try to tell about the main steps of the internal CEO optimization. If they are incomprehensible, then it is worth contacting, nevertheless, to the experts on the CEO.

Step 1

It is necessary to determine the pages of sat that need to be promoted. After that, for each page it is necessary to assemble a semantic core that will be as relevant as possible to the page theme.

We go to Yandex Wordstat and drive in the main request for which you plan to move. The system will display the number of impressions for this and similar requests. You need to choose the most popular queries - 1-5 phrases, as well as low-frequency queries - as many as you like.

Step 2

Next, you need to fill in the promoted pages with the text with the collected keywords. This can be done by freelance copywriters. It must be remembered that the text should not be just a set of SEO phrases, but readable, useful and interesting. Because even if at first there will be a lot of visits to the site, thanks to the well-chosen semantic core, then Yandex or Google may lower the output due to the “bad” behavior of visitors to the site.

Step 3

<H1> tagging, Little, Descriptions

The <h1> tag is the title of your page (article), which must contain a keyword from the assembled semantic core.

Tittle is the inscription you see:

  • in the browser tab


  • in the title of the search results and in social networks.


Descriptions (descriptions) are often seen in the search results in the snippet - the description under the heading. It must be made as brief, relevant and interesting as possible. The description is desirable to fit in 160 characters (everything else will simply not be visible).

If all of the above is done, then the site is ready for promotion. However, you need to check for the presence of a robots.txt file in the root folder located on the server. This file allows search engines to index the site. Without it, you will never get into search results.

In addition, you need to carefully check the site for the presence of duplicate pages. It can also slow down the promotion, since the search engine will consider that your site is a copy and should not be promoted. Some technical pages also do not need to be indexed, so use the https://help.yandex.ru/webmaster/ service, which describes in detail how to “hide” the pages from the search robot.

Of course, to promote the site you need to own the basics of editing code, at least in order to enter tags and tittles. If you do not have time to understand all this, or you want a comprehensive approach to the issue of seo optimization, then contact the professionals of Futureinapps. We have successful case studies and our own developments on SEO!

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